How to relocate your wardrobe in (stress-free) style

Packing up your things- it’s the most stressful part of preparing for your move. But this shouldn’t be a time-consuming or troubling affair; you should just be looking forward to settling into your new home. To help you avoid a complete meltdown, here are 4 steps to a seamless and stylish wardrobe relocation:
1.It’s all in the preparation
Editing and making decisions about your wardrobe can be overwhelming but for a stress-free move you just have to get on with it. Even though your clothes are some of the last things to be packed, you need to start thinking about editing your wardrobe 3 months beforehand. I know this seems excessive but as you get closer to your move date you are going to be busy with other priorities and decisions about what clothes to take with you need to be removed from this equation. Also it allows you plenty of time to take unwanted items to charity or ebay/sell things for cash that can then be reinvested back into your wardrobe.
Relocating provides the perfect opportunity to start afresh with your wardrobe. You don’t want to get close to your move date to find you are packing unwanted items that will then take up valuable space. Purchase a portable rail – it is not only an indispensable tool for regularly editing your wardrobe but also when you arrive in your new home if the storage solutions are inadequate, you have somewhere to hang the clothes. Start by removing all the items that you love/wear regularly (this is also important for Step 2).
Now, review the rest and remove any items that are damaged, outdated or no longer resonate with your style. Anything that needs repairing or professionally cleaned can also be removed. Also think about the weather – if you are moving to the UK from an alternative climate, you need to consider what will and will not be appropriate. Don’t take anything with you that you won’t use, conversely you may need to add some items to a shopping wish list that need to be purchased before you move. An umbrella and wellington boots, for example!
Think about your new living arrangement and the space you’ll have available. If you are moving to a home with limited space you will need to consider this when editing.
Before you put everything back in your wardrobe, move onto step 2:
2.Create a capsule
Create a capsule wardrobe for the move with some of the items that you love and wear regularly. What I mean by that is a selection of, say 15 items, that you can easily mix and match and dress up and down. Look at your dairy for the next 4 weeks, or however long you think you are going to be interrupted by the move and make sure you have the appropriate outfits available. You often can’t anticipate how long it is going to take you to get settled and the last thing you need is to be scrambling around trying to find a matching pair of shoes or a pressed blouse. Having a selection of go-to outfits that are packed into a cardboard wardrobe box takes the time and stress out of getting dressed when you move. Which brings me seamlessly to step 3:
3.Packing Solutions
Cardboard wardrobe boxes are easiest way of hanging your pressed garments safely while having relocate your clothes. They also make great makeshift wardrobes while you are sorting out your storage solutions in your new home. Put your capsule wardrobe into one box and group styles together in the other boxes so all tops together, bottoms, jackets, coats etc and labelling them clearly will help you to locate items easily.
4. Storage solutions in your new home
Swap out your metal hangers for thin velvet covered ones; rearrange your wardrobe by category. Remove any items that you may have reconsidered post move, as you go. Once you have hung all your clothes into the new space take a step back and consider the space. Do the rails need to be moved or new ones added? Do you need clear Perspex storage boxes to keep shelves organised? Make a list of wardrobe accessories and organisational tools taking into account your new living arrangements and what space you have.
It feels great to open your wardrobe and see the clothes you love to wear arranged neatly on matching hangers. Having control of our wardrobes helps us gain control in what is one of life’s most stressful events. It’s all about good preparation and seamless organisation.
This article was written by style consultant Penny Bennett – who apart from being the best dressed lady I know, has presented seminars, designed and delivered workshops and hosted glamorous events in London’s top venues. She’s also trained Personal Shoppers from the High Street’s top clothing brands. If you’d like further help with organising your wardrobe, Penny can be contacted via her website